Special features:
1. Spindle with ZF transmission is capable of doing high-speed molding and low-speed high-torque machining.
2. Ram dia. 250mm is the smallest size and with least interference compared to other milling heads of the same level machine.
3. Automatic Head Changer: Milling head clamped by inner power motor.
4. The C axis function with a 30° milling head can be adjusted to the optimal angle in mold processing anytime.
5. 360° continuous rotation of the C axis function makes the processing more flexible.
6. A 90° milling head enables large five-faced machining.
7. Unique balancing design: the head stroke maintains its level in the case of any ram extension.
8. Ram Inner clamp in the front of head stroke increases the rigidity as machining in the case of ram extension.